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Food Export Licence in India

Implementation of export control systems strengthens a country’s infrastructure of food control and streamlines trade between countries. During the course of operation of export control systems, India has encountered varying experiences, some of which are highlighted so that these may be noted and consciously addressed for capacity building in the country as well as addressing problems and clearing hurdles.

The export control system is operated by the Export Inspection Council of India (EIC), India’s official export certification body, through its field organisations, the Export Inspection Agencies, having head offices in Chennai, Delhi, Kochi, Kolkata and Mumbai with 41 sub-offices including laboratories around the country.

Food Export License in India

Experiences in the Area of Export Controls

1. Equivalence Agreement

2. Information on Requirements of Importing Country

3. Imposition of Infrastructure Requirements

4. Traceability/Product Tracing

5. Rejection and Destruction of Consignments

6. Non-Recognition of Health Certificates of Export Certification Body

7. Strengthening Sectors of Industry

Regulatory Requirements for a Food Export Licence in India

For decisions – both developmental as well as implemental – relating to food export control systems, there is a need to have information as well as data that is scientifically collected, shared with decision makers, implementors and processors. This would include information on regulatory requirements of importing countries, data on residues and other parameters, which would help in framing regulatory requirements and for decision making on implementation actions to prevent foodborne hazards, plan food control activities etc. While ensuring transparency, any constraint of professional and commercial confidentiality should be respected.

The process of getting a Food Export Licence in India is a cumbersome one. Food Licence & Registration Consultants will help you ease the whole process and help you get started in as short a time as possible.

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If you are looking for a Food export licence in India, you may also be interested in learning about a Food Import Licence in India.

Above is some important Information which will help you to get understand about Food Export Licence in India.